My name is Kathryn Fisher but I am known to all by Kathy.
I am the wife of a dark haired, handsome looking, talented musician, Mennonite raised, self-employed computer business man.
I love people, they fascinate me.
In weather above 50 degrees you will find me outside, planting, resting, racking, hanging up laundry, dandelion or acorn picking with the kids.
I rough clean my house when it needs it and deep clean when i feel like it.
I love to cook dinner with my apron on.
I hate to be angry or snippy around the house, it makes me feel yuk. I make a conscious effort to avoid this.(I slip up quit a bit) but I will continue to try until JOY is my constant companion.
These are my brothers and sisters.In order by age.
Things that paople may not know about me...
I graduatted from 8th grade.Took my GED when I was 32 and would love to go to school one day when my kids are older.
I had knee surgery when I was 19.
I can chop the head off of a two foot long snake with a shovel.
My husband and I went to Jamacia for our honeymoon.
I literally go into a closet to pray.
I talk to myself constantly.
I preach to myself in front of a mirror.
I used to be a control freek.
I hate any kind of pickles.
I will read a magazine page by page untill I have read it through (it takes me forever)
I love to eat in bed. My husband hates when people do this. I eat in bed whenever he is gone for the night.
I love to eat in bed. My husband hates when people do this. I eat in bed whenever he is gone for the night.