Thursday, March 28, 2013

Head Start With Spring In The House


Want to get ahead start with spring flowers in the house?


Go out and clip your honeysuckle bush, stick them in some water and watch them bloom within a few days.

Ahhh Spring has arrived!!  ( I convince myself today by looking at these for it is bitter cold out and we are fast approaching April

And because we hit the park last week…


It was Jeremiah’s first experience of park fun.

IMG_3555 IMG_3557

I think he liked it. I did.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Intelligent Me




I may be crazy, and maybe the things that excite me, may not be what excites you.

I understand that you may be way ahead of me. I am ok with that. I am climbing the ladder of intelligence daily. Well, maybe more like weekly. Ok OK…to be honest maybe monthly.

But at least I am climbing!

For those who have known me through all of my life will understand that I would be excited.  I admit I haven’t always been the smartest but I have always been fun and that counts right?

I do believe that my excitement took me on a bunny trail and I haven’t even told all what excites me most today. So sorry to keep you in suspense…it’s nothing really, kinda embarrassed actually now that I have to write it.

But I did it!!!!!!

I, yes I alone sat down with my computer and said, “Computer, you and I are going to figure out how to use publisher today. I need your help in printing up some bread tags. ( I bake and sell whole wheat bread)”   Now, I have been printing tags for years but recently I started selling my bread as frozen dough for pizzas. I needed to write instructions on back of my bread tags. AND I FIGURED IT OUT!!!

I did not cheat and ask the man of the house for help.

Well, I did not cheat much, just a hair.

and only a hair. Do you know how little one piece of hair is? well, that is how little I cheated. So don’t even count it!

Here are my cute little bread tags…



Just looking at these cute tags makes you wanna buy bread from me right? hehe

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chocolate Cake Peanut Butter Icing


Oh Chocolate cake with peanut butter icing…come to me


I love you morning noon and night!


It takes only seconds to whip this desert up.

Thanks to a good friend I have me the best peanut butter icing eVer!

Peanut Butter Icing

1/2 cup butter softened

2/3 cup peanut butter

3 cup 10 x sugar

1 T milk

1 tsp. vanilla

pinch of salt

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Writer’s block


Today I write cause:  I’m having a terrible phase of writers block. (I have been told you must write even when there is nothing to say) So I guess we will talk about the block and see what comes of that.

There is just this block….

can’t get over it – it’s too high

can’t get under it – cause it’s too deep

can’t get around it – way to wide


but wait a minute…

this block looks very much like ice?

That means if it melts my block is gone right?

YES, YES, oh summer days please come quickly and rescue me that I might write once more!

As I stay stuck in the warm today I listen to JJ Heller on my Pandora and I am warmed in my heart. Music is good for the soul. It kinda just pulls it all together for me.

May you stay warm this day as together we wait for the sunny summery days!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

When life gives you puke,grin and bear it!



“Mom, I just love you! There ain’t nobody like you!”


You brighten my days!


I know you need me right now, but I got to chew on this toy for a little first.


Man, I love my toys!


Ok, here you go…take a shoot of me now


sorry, I really would smile and pose for ya more if it weren’t for all these bright exciting toys in front of me.


This one is my favorite…


Wait…what was that?


It’s Nicky!!!!  gosh i love that dog, she gets me going every time!


Woops, I so excited…my burp came up wrong


I really didn’t mean to soil these clothes Mom!


I guess when life gives you puke you just gotta grin and bear it!


I say…grin and bear it!!



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Bug


When I get rid of this bug I am gonna….I am gonna

eat cake

When I have strength to hold my kitchen broom I am going to…

houseclean this little abode until it glitters and sparkles with cleanness.

When I get over the dizziness in my head I am gonna…I say I am gonna

make my dreams come true.

When I get rid of this nasty bug I am gonna….

run a marathon

but until then I will sleep…I will sleep so the bug will have to die

I will not let that thing live one more day longer! He will have to go. He may not be about.

I will feed him nasty food and sip on tea all day.

I will stomp on him, I will squash him.

He will soon know he is not welcome here and must die.

Oh happy day that will be!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What I got Done Today


somewhere today between:

- feeding the baby

- making tea for the man of the house

- getting plenty of water to my Sarah peach

- letting Nicky out to pee

- getting vitamin C water ready for the man of the house

- checking my mail

- changing Jeremiah’s diaper

- preparing dinner

- a memory game with Sarah (because that is what we do when we get sick around here, and might I add that I never win…i do try, I try very hard.)

- taking out trash

- opening another Kleenex box 

- a load of laundry


I actually had time for:

- blogging

- a good dose of skittles and then some sour patch kids

- a fast 20 minute walk ( getting out of the house was vital to my sanity )

and now my mind goes blank as to what else I did….i need sleep

oh yes, that is what I did….

- two short little 1/2 hour snoozes


pray for me -




Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One Warm Hat and a Pair of Cozy Striped Socks




The hat is just for some extra warmth cause it is down right cold here today.

10 decrees to be exact.

and oh how about them cozy lookin socks as well.

have we talked about my cozy socks yet?

something tells me we haven’t and so I must begin to tell all…


My Cozy Striped Socks


My cozy striped socks

are all I need

they provide warmth

on a cold winters eve


No need for slippers

no fuss no commotion

just pull them on

and you will feel the lotion


i must confess

that altho the washer is working

I can’t keep em clean

cause that would mean

I would need to pull them off and then my feet would freeze which would cause my body to freeze I have no other socks like these,just this pair my sister-in-law gave them to me for Christmas they have not left my side since when I go out I wear big boots so others will not see my suppose to be… around the house only socks.

ahhhhh that felt good to just stop with the rhyming already and get this off my chest.



Have a good day…I will be thinking of you thinking of me in my cozy striped socks.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fresh Tilapia Late at Night



What is this you ask?

Well, I will tell you what it is…

It is my dinner

No, not from today and not from two days ago

It was my dinner late, I say late last night

Stromboli was cooked for the kids and man of the house however I personally was not feeling it.

And one MUST be feeling it in order to eat right?

I got a bit sidetracked…did this and that and then another thing or two

and somewhere between the Stromboli cooking and this plate I ran to the store and bought me some fresh tilapia

I do believe it was about 10:00 when I did sit down to enjoy this.

and ohh the yummyness

the complete enjoyment of eating while kids are sleeping! ( I should do this every night )

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