Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fresh Tilapia Late at Night



What is this you ask?

Well, I will tell you what it is…

It is my dinner

No, not from today and not from two days ago

It was my dinner late, I say late last night

Stromboli was cooked for the kids and man of the house however I personally was not feeling it.

And one MUST be feeling it in order to eat right?

I got a bit sidetracked…did this and that and then another thing or two

and somewhere between the Stromboli cooking and this plate I ran to the store and bought me some fresh tilapia

I do believe it was about 10:00 when I did sit down to enjoy this.

and ohh the yummyness

the complete enjoyment of eating while kids are sleeping! ( I should do this every night )

1 comment:

  1. It looks amazing! Much better than stromboli. Now I'm hungry :(


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