Monday, November 22, 2010

5 years old

5 years ago on November 20th my son was born.




Valorie's first visit with her brother.





every day you are becoming more independent, more of a man, showing your true colors.

I like this.

yet i have tears as i write and look back at how little you once were.

I am so proud of you. Who you are becoming and most of all I love your humble soft heart.

i will never tire of hearing you say,"Mom, I love you" even tho it happens on average two times a day.

You are the one that has made me have patience.

I pray that no matter how tall you get or no matter wherever you find yourself in life you will always know that there is a spot in my arms for you.

I love you so much my boy!


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i want to give you roots, DEEP roots

and then i want to give you wings, STRONG wings

LORD, help me!!!!!

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some random pictures




lets get one thing straight...just because you have man features does not mean you are in charge here...haha


ok then,if you don't let me be the boss I'll act CRAZY!!!!!





come make a relationship work you have to meet in the middle.






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already taking an interest in football with Dad!


  For his birthday he has been asking to be surprised just like Thomas the tank engine was. I wasn't sure if he could handle that so i had been preparing him for weeks. At 4:30 4 of his friends came over and went to his room while he was in the basement with Dad watching Thomas. I called him up and said that the girls wanted him up in his room.


he said " did!"PICT0232


It was the funniest thing to see 5 boys enjoy each other...I left them do pretty much what they wanted and walked around with the camera and of course because i didn't want to miss out...hello! 

At one point he saw their gifts they brought and he ran over and his friends went on to give him the gifts they brought each pretty much opening it for him...he did not seem to mind this. So it was more like...i took the time to wrap and get this now let me open it for you and then give it to you...hahaha It was ADORABLE the way they all worked it out together!



Thank-you to all you Mothers who left your son's come over and spend a few hours with my boy!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I am all weepy. You are such a good writer and SUCH a good mom and such a good person! Love your quotes with the pics of Chad on the potty... you're standing there wagging your finger and I can just hear you say it. Totally hilarious, totally heart-melting. Happy birthday Chad, you big guy!


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