One thing I cannot survive without is a good book on my end table.
I am fighting at the moment for survival. HELP.
I suppose that in order to live I must head out to the library in the morning or search Amazon.
I will let you know weather I make it or not.
Wait, how can I let you know that I am not when I am not?
Ok lets just say that if there are no new post within the next few days, I am not.
No, I do not like that plan. It puts way too much pressure on me, what if I forget to blog and I leave the world believing I am not. No, I must have a better plan…
it is too hard to think at the moment.
This time of day was not meant to think hard of new plans. Or think at all for that matter. It was meant for reading. Trust me, it was meant for reading.
That is why I am writing on and on about this. So that you have something to read at this time of day. I apologize that this particular reading is not very inspirational.
I must go find me something to read. NOW NOW!
BUY A KINDLE, do not make me tell you that one more time. Congratulations! on thinking of buying a kindle.