He is my cheesecake, she is my stability and the smallest is my joy.
Now you can’t go wrong with cheesecake, stability and joy in your life can ya?
In reality I can say that I do have stability and joy in my life…ok maybe not every day. Don’t judge me if I don’t cause at least I know what I want. One thing I do know that I do not have is cheesecake. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE BRING ME SOME CHEESECAKE!!
creamy soft…maybe raspberry…maybe cherry… maybe just plain. It don’t care…just get me some NOW!!
I really was not planning on speaking of cheesecake. It just came up and now I am afraid I will not sleep until I find me some. I have many other things to talk to you about,really I do. It’s just I am deeply distracted at the moment over the thought…ok to stay true to what I was going to share, I will try my best. I cannot promise much since cheesecake is the ONLY picture in front of me.
Monday and Tuesday I took my kids to the beach with my sister-in-law and her kids.
I love the waves.
I love the water.
I love the sand.
Somehow this time round I had to struggle to see the beauty of it all. My pregnant state has me irritable at the smallest things. The kids were great help but I was STRESSED OUT till I arrived home.
It can’t be that I am too old for this some people have babies at 40.
It can’t be the simple fact of pregnancy cause I did it three times before and was never bothered by anything.
I did enjoy the boardwalk.
At the end of the day we say…I will lift up my eyes until the sky. From whence cometh my help? My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth.
And please Lord, send Momma some real cheesecake.It WILL make her more patient with us and I am sure she will speak in a softer tone with that creaminess in her stomach.