Tuesday, September 28, 2010

dreams come true.





YES, they do. We got a dog!!   AAhhhhhhhh!!  I love boxers ( keep your thoughts on the subject… DOG)

we have been wanting to get a dog because our kids are sooooo scared of them, hoping that they will loosen up a bit when they are around one constantly. Time will tell.





She seems to love Elvin and he seems to enjoy the love although he would not admit to it yet. BUT I KNOW IT. JUST KNOW IT.



QUICK….RUN…run to the top of the slide


the top of the car


or the top of Daddy’s head


just get me on higher ground cause I am FREEEKING out!

MOM…help me! Angel is going to get me!! HELP….RUN  




Angel was her name and she seems anything but that…maybe it is hidden in her and we just need to coax it out?? The kids think that cause she is all over white it matches her…haha


WISH ME LUCK! cause now i am potty training a DOG not a child.


She is positively ugly one black eye and one blue and that is why she is so precious and WE WILL love her till she shines like a real angel.









we bought ourselves a 42” high def LCD flat screen TV.   YEAH no kidding, you can only imagine how pumped my husband was when getting the thing set up. This is so vain but really a dream come true…hahaha  and you have to understand that our house is really really small so this seems really really BIG and in our face.

But that is how you want it right??

especially football…yeahh  Go Vick






we got a swing set! It just keeps getting better, or so the kids think!



by now you are thinking…

gee are they making money or what??


The TV was on us so if you want to make a charitable contribution you can call and give us your credit card number 

lets just say for the rest, we have good friends and family




So that is some of the exciting stuff happening around the Fisher home.Thanks for stopping by to read!


May you find PEACE today in your very special life.


Uniquely you.Be you.


Today I read:

If you don’t enjoy your own company why would anyone else? Take time to sit alone and quiet your heart before God.



I find it amazing how many things come up before you when you sit alone with yourself and when we let down our pride. Embrace the things that come up, make a conscious effort to change if necessary.


Like yourself. but always become a better you,willing to let the sharp edges be buffed.




PICT0151 The Fisher’s

1 comment:

  1. Howling again. Love the dog pics and freaking-out-kids stories and all the dreams come true... gotta say though that she doesn't look very angelic lying there with her ribs sticking out all over the place, just funnier than heck. The kids will love her before long.


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