This is the lucky tree that made it home to our house today.
We all worked together very well and decided that this one was calling the loudest to be picked.
We enjoyed the wagon ride the most! and the mud...oh my the mud! I was as fascinated as the kids.
please come Sarah and take a picture with us!
ok fine just stand where you are!
You are so freaking contagious with your Christmas spirit!! Although it hasn't hit me yet because I haven't started on anything besides listening to Christmas music and am totally running out of time. Do you remember that year you came and you and Jacob and I cut down a tree? Yeah, and hung up all the ornaments with sewing maching thread... oh my. Watch how much you wish for snow, you have no idea. It is so old hat around here and I'm tired of it last week. By the end of November, we had more snow already than the whole winter for the last 3 years. There's close to 2 feet by now, it is so pathetic. The lake just froze over so we'll be going out on the snow machine soon and I look forward to that! You coming up?
We got our tree last wk! SO FUN! i miss you all SO SO much! cya soon!
all my love- Ronnie
btw you look beautiful! i love your hair longer!
where is the pic of daddy and kids we miss you all love you all. chrissy