I walk into my room to throw something on the bed and something catches my eye. You might say how did you notice something unusual on such a FULL nightstand? Well, don't judge. Everything on this table is important, you know the things you need to grab in the dark or want to grab when cozyed up in bed reading.
chap stick
hair clips - not so much because you need to grab one but you have started a collection at your bed side from taking them out before it gets dark.
a pen - I AM A MOM. YES, I MULTI TASK. Yet I need the help of a list now and then.
a picture frame - let me just say that this one is no ordinary one. First... I LOVE the color and about 2 years ago i put this photo in it. Last summer my husband climbs out of bed (in the dark) and his foot hits the frame.It crashes to the floor and brakes the glass into tons of little pieces. I could hear it go...and my heart SANK!
Not my beautiful frame! EEEKKKKKKKK aahhhhhh Did you have to be so clumsy!!! why didn't you turn a light on????????? (like who is going to turn the lights on to get up and use the restroom or whatever) That's us WOMEN far too often.
take it out on someone. If your mad then make someone else miserable too.
THAT IS SO LAME to live like that. But we all do it. some more then others. But we all do it.
LET'S CHANGE THAT! or at least work on it.
Habits don't just happen they are formed over time.
Let's get to work and form some good ones. I guarantee that not only will you feel much better but those who live with you will too!!
so then next I sulk under the covers thinking...how like our relationship right now...the picture might as well be in pieces. Comon' we all have our different seasons of difficulty in our marriages. They are what refine us. And when you allow them to they better it by a thousand times over. But, you gotta let it.
Next morning i go to clean the mess and am SURPRISED to see that not one piece of glass is out of the frame. It is just broken into many pieces.
I set the frame back up.
I sit and take a long look at it.
I cry
I know that we were meant for each other. and yes, maybe our profile pic looks a bit chattered but we are still together. Not just "together" but TRULY/MADLY/DEEPLY together.
I sigh
i kinda like the frame like this
Elvin chuckled that night when he saw it back in it's usual place and said " I kinda like it like that"
So, this frame is no usual frame. It is VERY SPECIAL TO ME JUST LIKE IT IS.
CHOCOLATE /make it special dark please!
and NO i did NOT rearrange everything just before picture taking.This is the real night stand of Kathy Fisher. Definitely could use some improvements. I was not aware of all this stuff until I am writing about it. But then, who plans on writing about their nightstand? anyway?
Ok back to the point.
Just look at this note placed neatly on my nightstand!!!!
I get these every now and then and when i do, I dive for the pillow
LORD, how does one breathe with love like this at your finger tips?
BE MINE...really?
YES YES I will be yours forever!! I didn't even know she knows to use these terms for Valentines??
Now, before you leave this post thinking that life is just adorable here, let me inform you that this same girl will sometimes voice some very radical ugly things at me.
She is a child. I am a Mom. nice and ugly words are spoken. I just prefer to tell the nice ones. smile.smile.
And what with this duck sitting on my kitchen counter all day??
Can someone explain please? yeah yeah....don't look at me all superstitious out of the corner of your red eye. Just get off my counter!!!
Am I talking to a duck??
This is ridiculous.
I have things to do.
I love love this post... everything, everything... so full of real and raw, pain and beautiful. Life is so much that way it seems. Hugs to you!!
(I guess you know who I am, I lurk :( and hate myself for it sometimes, and yet I cannot bring myself yet to write on www... weird I know.)