The other day something wonderful happened and I thought to myself…save that one to post on my blog tonight.
Tonight came and went
The next day something dreadful happened and I thought to myself…I must write about that. Oh and I can’t forget to add the one from yestertime.
that day came and went
I had a revelation and my first thought was to blog about it
I realized I needed quit a bit of time to sit and blog for I cannot go without posting all the good thoughts, happenings and stuff since my last post.
Note to self…Store all blog items in left corner of brain. Keep them close enough to the front so as not to forget them but far enough back to give space for thoughts of today.
By now the left side of my brain is packed and leaving me exhausted at the thought of blogging.
I will wipe my brain clean and start afresh for fear that I will lose my blogging passion all together.
Today I may just post twice or thrice to keep my left side brain empty.
I am stuck this morning, pondering on this one phrase that I read…
I will see you soon again on here. Please come back. I promise to never leave you this long again. (in myself I know that is not true)
I am asking you to believe in me anyway.
Just because I asked you to and I like when people believe in me even when I don’t myself.
Don’t you suppose one would eventually come around to believe in oneself after others have diligently believed in them?
Me thinks so.
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