Perhaps it is the quite restful personality,
or maybe because it has been 5 years since I have mothered an infant,
Is it that he is sooo darn cute?
I really don’t know what it is that has me so in love with this little man!!
I just feel the need to say…I am in love
I am in love with all his monkey outfits…
I am in love with the blue of his eyes…
I am jealous of others when they hold him…
Jeremiah Allen…I am satisfied to just sit and hold him all day long.
The little mittens are my best friend…
and then there is the baby lotion…have I ever talked to you about my baby lotion?
well, it comes from a far away land, we must send for it and it is all so very worth it.
It puts Johnson’s to shame.
Zwitsal is the name of it.
click on it and you can see the home page of the product.You can Google it as well to find an English site to order from.
LOVE IT! :) --karla